Great Goddess Oil


This oil is for wealth, prosperity and success in abundance.



Our Great Goddess Oil is the ideal blend to use when attempting to create a life full of prosperity, wealth, blessings and fruitful endeavors. We have included 6 sacred herbs and oils associated with our favorite abundance goddesses: Fortuna Copia, Inari, Epona, Renenet, Lakshmi and Anuket. Great Goddess Oil is fabulous to use when embarking on any new venture.
It can be used for just about anything such as success with money, business, love, family and marriage matters, freedom from debt, etc. It includes cornflower, bay, lily, rose, lotus and rice.

Our Great Goddess oil can be worn on the body, dabbed in a bath, used to wash down furniture or dabbed on important documents and bank statements. You can certainly rub down your work environment with this oil. Put a couple drops on your business cards or dab some on the cash in your wallet. You can also simply pour some over a bowl of cedar chips, cinnamon and nutmeg. Leave it by your front door to draw in abundant energy.

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