Cleopatra Oil


This is a love drawing oil to bring back a lover, or rekindle the fire in your relationship.



Our Cleopatra Oil is perfect for those of you wishing to ignite your love life and add an extra bit of spice to it! Made with Sandalwood, Lotus, Orange, Frankincense, Calamus, Balm of Gilead and a touch of musk, it has all the right ingredients to arouse the senses and draw the opposite sex towards you. In good old fashioned Hoodoo, a good Cleopatra blend can create a deeper bond between two people and has even been known to bring back a drifting lover. Named after the great seductress, our Cleopatra Oil will make you simply irresistible.

Cleopatra oil can be used by anointing some on your man’s unwashed underwear or socks and then bury the item(s) in the yard. A lot of people may simply anoint any of their man’s personal possessions while verbalizing their intentions aloud. Sprinkle a little bit in your bath water while visualizing you and your beloved in a beautiful committed relationship. Of course, you can simply wear the oil or place a few drops on your sheets. Just be aware that Cleopatra oil is with stain. Another great method is to get a bowl and fill it with roses, oranges and cinnamon. Pour some Cleopatra Oil in and place it under your bed. For a simply reconciliation technique, get a picture of your ex and anoint a little Cleopatra oil on it. Then pin it (with the face pointing towards the area where you sleep) behind your top mattress or headboard.

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