Banishing Oil


This oil is used to get rid of any negative influence that may be affecting you



Banishing Oil is a powerful Hoodoo blend that can help you get rid of those annoying habits, harmful people, unhealthy situations, and negative energy that plagues you. It can also take care of blocking undesirable visitors. Banishing Oil is not a jinxing oil, it merely gets rid of any negative influence that may be affecting you. It can also remove hexes, spells and curses. If someone is trying to send you negative energy, you can send it right back their way! It is also a great oil to work in divination rituals.
There are many methods for using Banishing Oil. It can be applied on your divination and altar tools. It can be applied and worn on your body to keep negative energy and people at a distance. Rub some of this oil onto your floors, doors, and your furniture to get rid of any energy you do not want around your home. You can get rid of any negative influences at work as well by dabbing some on your desk or in your office.

The ingredients of Banishing Oil include Lemon, Angelica, Wormwood, Basil, Rue, and several other very potent herbs and oils for banishing.

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