Aphrodite Soap


This soap is for purification, Love, protection and power



Our Aphrodite Shea Soap is a highly effective way to enjoy the powerful aspects of Dragon’s Blood Resin. Dragon’s Blood has an array of magical properties and It’s revered for its ability to promote love between two people, purify the environment, protect one from negative influences and add power. Historically, Dragon’s Blood was used in funerary rites and burned as a means to clear out negative energy. Modern practitioners often add it to their blends to increase their power and efficacy. Of course our Aphrodite Shea Butter Soap includes real Dragon’s Blood Resin. As a bath it can be used as a means to increase one’s own sense of power and protect one from unwanted energies or influences. We often recommend taking an Aphrodite Bath before meeting a romantic interest or attending a social function.

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