Amazon Queen


This oil is for women to be empowered when any man treats her unfairly or attempts to push or keep her down. 



Are you or anyone you care about in a situation where you are forced to deal with a chauvinistic, insensitive, controlling or domineering man?  If so, Amazon Queen Oil is just what you need to show this man he is no longer in charge. 
An amazon is a big, strong, warrior-like woman, someone who reminds you of the mythical Greek women-warriors.
Amazon Queen Oil is loaded with over 9 herbs, oils and resins known for their powers to turn the tables and force a man to submit.  Some of these include Powdered Galangal, Calamus, Bergamot, Ginger, and Vanilla. 
Amazon Queen Oil is perfect for an aggravating ex, a man who is overstepping his boundaries, an insensitive lover, a degrading boss, even a family member who loves to criticize and judge.  Don’t be mistaken, Amazon Queen Oil was not formulated for women to control women; but instead for women to be empowered when any man treats her unfairly or attempts to push or keep her down. 

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